Note to Husband: Work With Me...
Our rules are this:
--The first name cannot end in Y or IE since our last name ends with a long EEEEE sound.
--No crazy-weird-obscure names
--Straight-forward spellings
I like the idea of a J name to go with David, so if our son chose, he could be a "JD" for short. (Reminds me of JD from the show "Scrubs.") At one point, my husband suggested the name John. I felt it was plain and we each have an Uncle John who we are NOT fond of nor close to. Recently, I suggested the name Jonathan (we could call him Jon) and my husband freaked out suggested it was a sissy name that would cause our kid to get teased and beaten up. What the hell? John and Jonathan are not all that far from one another. Work with me for crying out loud!
Seriously, please tell me I'm not the only person having trouble naming her kid with her partner. I guess I had visions of enjoying the naming process...and I'm NOT finding that to be the case.
Jackson - I know you don't want odd spellings but I like Jaxon so its not so much like a last name
I am bored, so I thought I would give you a few names to think about LOL
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

We had a hard time with Zachary, I wanted Mathew. But sometimes it isnt worth the fight and I figured I usually get my way with everything else so I gave in with Zachary and I love it now.
Whatever you pick will be perfect and it wont be such a bid deal when your little guy gets here.
Good Luck!
Here are all the male "J" names in the family so far.....
As you can see, my little "J" was the last one and were were running out of options with names! LOL
Good luck., will be fine.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
You have touched on the reason why this little bundle remains - BABY. LOL Sooner or Later we have to start the process...but I am scared. It was so easy with DD..she was Sophie from day one of "looking" at baby names. My DH suggestions of try something Hawaiian (he had no real suggestions) or the actual 2 names he suggested (which I can not remember because they were so awful)....has ME dragging my feet. I figure we'll know before she arrives or else we'll know before she goes home with us. The one name we really like means that we would end up with two little girls with S's first names. I told him if we did that then we had to do the middle name play too. (DD middle is Elizabeth, next child would be Lizbeth). He seemed less then humored with me. I would make name suggestions but I tend to like the unusual- probably because I was one of 50 million Jennifer's.
Let me try more common names with J:
Okay-I suck. I hope you can agree soon for your sanities sake.
As for your names. I looked through all the suggestions and my favorite is Jaxon....but I know you aren't fond of odd spellings. What it boils down to is compromise. Maybe you might have to give in a little with the compromise now, but a promise of you get to choose the next one. Good luck... I know its tough. I know a lot of people that literally don't name their babies until they are born and see their personalities. Shari